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Endpoint Protection

Endpoint Protection Services

The more devices you have connected to your network, the more vulnerable it could be. Are you protecting every network endpoint?

Is Your Business’ Network Totally Protected?

Technology is a necessary tool in the modern business world, but it comes with a certain degree of risk. Your business’ laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other wireless devices present opportunities for cybercriminals, or misinformed employees to put your organization in danger.

The best way to start strengthening your cyber defenses is with a comprehensive and reliable Endpoint Protection solution. This is a vital service that protects endpoints like laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, servers, and virtual environments. Endpoint protection may also include antivirus and antimalware, web filtering, and more.

Features include:

  • Endpoint Device Policies: Keeping your staff from inadvertently putting your business data at risk on their personal devices.
  • Encryption Of Electronically Shared Files: Protect files both at rest and in transit.
  • Blocks Movement of Sensitive Data: Keeps the most sensitive data from being moved without authorization.
  • Limits Remote Access to Networks: Prevents employees from risking your data on an unsecured network.

Generation IX Will Protect Your Business

Don’t let your reliance on modern technology put your business at risk. Generation IX will help your organization keep critical systems, intellectual property, customer data, employees, and other users safe from ransomware, phishing, malware, and cyberattacks.

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