Do You Know What A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Could Discover?

Do You Know What A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Could Discover_

Do You Know What A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Could Discover?

Don’t assume that your cybersecurity is infallible just because you haven’t encountered an issue yet – have Generation IX conduct a risk assessment so you can be sure.

Are you unsure of how secure your business’ IT systems are? Your IT environment deals with a lot of sensitive and valuable information, and as such, you can often be targeted by viruses, worms, spyware, and other malicious digital threats.

Did you know? According to the 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report:

  • 43% of all breaches involved small businesses in 2019
  • More than half (56%) of data breaches took months or longer to discover
  • 97% of breaches could have been prevented with today’s technology

Have Your Cybersecurity Double Checked By An Expert

Have Generation IX assess your cybersecurity for you – as a part of our Cybersecurity Assessment services, we will take an unbiased look at your systems to determine where they may be vulnerable to external threats.

The key objective of this assessment is to find any vulnerabilities that can compromise the overall security, privacy, and operations of your network.

What Does A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Include?

  • Identify Your Risks: Steadfast Solutions will comprehensively test and evaluate your IT network to provide you with a clear roadmap to leading-edge cybersecurity protocols.
  • Discover Your Solutions: Once the results are compiled, we deliver solutions to you directly. Our team will summarise your firm’s IT strengths and weaknesses while laying out a series of sound solutions.
  • Trust A Holistic Approach: Beyond the technical aspects of cybersecurity management and risk mitigation, Steadfast Solutions will also educate your staff to recognize modern cybersecurity risks.

It is critical for every member of your firm to understand the danger that malware, ransomware, viruses, phishing schemes, and a range of other cyber-related crimes pose to your government relations firm.

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